Tuesday, 5 June 2012

QHY8L First Light

Here is my first attempt with my new QHY8L ccd camera. I am very impressed with this camera.
Well the moon did cause a little bit of a problem last night but I think the Baader Neodymium filter helped a lot here.
Right technical details
Focused using one of my Bahtinov masks (deh........ of course)
20x 120s Lights
10x Darks
0x Bias
0x Flats
QHY8L OSC cooled to -15C
Williams Optics Megrez 102 at f7
EQ6 Pro mount unguided
4 June 2012

It's not brilliant but the moon was interfering, it was my very first go with this camera, but still I am very pleased with the result. Longer and more exposures needed and flats would be of benefit too. Also I had to use a 2" extension tube as I couldn't reach focus with the camera straight in the focuser.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, indeed! http://xipteras.blogspot.de/search/label/QHY8L