Here is first light with my new William Optics Megrez 102. I also used a canon 350d camera. I know the moon is an easy target and a DSLR not the best camera to use for lunar photography, but is was very cold that night.
Here are the Pleiades or M45 shot using a Meade LXD75 10" SNT and a canon 350d camera. A Bahtinov mask (which I make and sell on ebay under the name Star Sharp Focus Masks) was in place to produce the pretty difraction spikes. I think it looks pretty cool!
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Here is a shot of the moon taken using a Canon 350 DSLR (DSLR's are not the best cameras to use for the moon and planets) along with a 4" Achromat scope fitted with one of the new Semi-Apo minus violet filters. As you can see no colour fringe around the bright limb of the moon at all.
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Here is another view (a much better one) of M27 The Dumbbell Nebula
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Here is Jupiter through a Bhantinov Mask
Here is a nice wide field view of M27 The Dumbbell Nebula
Well people I have had a few goes over the last few weeks here are my efforts.
M31 Andromeda Galaxy
Thursday, 30 July 2009
To all my loyal followers, sorry I have been away and not posted any news photos. I have been really busy with working 2 jobs as well as having had a relapse of my long time illness. Plus the light skies haven't been of much help to me. Well I have decided to follow my doctors advice and have packed up my part time job, I officially finish on 9 Aug. So be prepared for new images to appear within a few days of that. I have set up my f4 light bucket scope and hope to capture some of the nebulae and galaxies before they disappear until next year.
M42 The Orion Nebula. This is by far the best photo I have taken of this subject and so have deleted my earlier attempts. 15 subs of 25 seconds at ISO800 stacked in DSS with 6 darks subtracted. I will take some more of this over the next couple of weeks (weather permitting) to add to the stack to bring out more detail. On the whole I am very happy with this one.